歌词 "Tall Tales, Telltales" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tall Tales, Telltales



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

now and again youll remember the sound 现在又你会记得的声音

of the sails waving helpless 帆的无奈挥手

the cables wrapping one another into knots so strong 电缆缠绕彼此成结这么强

youre lost at once if not tossed into the drink and lost beneath 失去的youre一次如果不是扔进饮料,下方丢失

a substance so dark yet elementary 太黑又基本的物质

four winds converge upon a point where your compass 四方在一个点汇聚在您的指南针

spirals round in useless motions mocking everything 螺旋轮无用的动作嘲讽一切

while bilge collects 而舱底收集

your cupped hands attempt to shovel out the last few inches 你的双手捧着试图铲出最后几英寸

and you plead with the gods but they send you no sign 你恳求神,但他们给你的迹象

hold on sailor, hold on brother 坚持水手,坚持兄弟

steady the vessel 稳定血管

tall tales of ghosts at sail 鬼在帆高大的故事

they spend the afterlife 他们花了来世

in futile calculation, dead reckoning 在无用的计算,航位推算

telltales confuse the sails, direction is lost 信号装置混淆帆,方向迷失

the winds will spiral round a listless tapestry 风将螺旋圆一副无精打采的挂毯

and youre left all alone under the shine of the moon 而你独自留在月亮的照耀下,

hold on sailor, tighten the cables 坚持水手,拧紧电缆

steady the vessel 稳定血管

its a good life if you dont weaken 它是一个美好的生活,如果你不削弱

hold on, hold on 挺住,挺住

歌词 Tall Tales, Telltales 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tall-tales-telltales/

歌词 Tall Tales, Telltales 的作者与版权信息:


Ted Stevens, Matthew Maginn, Clint Schnase, Tim Kasher, Gretta Cohn


100th And Blondo Music, Knock Em Out The Box Music, Beltaine Music, Jitterbug, Mrm Music