歌词 "Tales Of A Scorched Earth" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tales Of A Scorched Earth



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Farewell goodnight last one out turn out the lights 告别晚安最后一个出去关灯

And let me be, let me die inside 而让我,让我死里

Let me know the way from of this world of hate in you 让我知道的方式从这个世界恨的你

Cause the dye is cast, and the bitch is back 导致染料投,而母狗又回来了

And we're all dead yeah we're all dead 而且我们都死了啊,我们都是死

In side the future of a shattered past 一个支离破碎的往事在方未来

I lie just to be real, and I'd die just to feel 我躺在刚是真实的,我会死只感觉

Why do the same old things keep on happening? 为什么同样的旧事不断发生?

Because beyond my hopes there are no feelings 因为超出了我的期望没有感情

Bless the martyrs and kiss the kids 祝福的烈士,亲吻孩子

For knowing better, for knowing this 为了更好的了解,会知道这

Cause you're all whores and I'm a fag 因为你所有的妓女,我抽根烟

And I've got no mother and I've got no dad 而且我没有母亲,我没有爸爸

To save me the wasted, save me from myself 救我的蹉跎,我拯救

I lie just to be real, and I'd die just to feel 我躺在刚是真实的,我会死只感觉

Why do the same old things keep on happening? 为什么同样的旧事不断发生?

Because beyond my hopes there are no feelings 因为超出了我的期望没有感情

Everbody's lost just waiting to be found 感到沉沦损失的只是等待被发现

Everyone's a thought just waiting to fade 每个人的思想,在等待着褪色

So fuck it all cause I don't care 因此,他妈的这一切导致我不在乎

So what somehow somewhere we dared 那么,什么莫名其妙的地方,我们敢

To try to dare to dare for a little more 要尽量敢做敢当多一点

I lie just to be real, and I'd die just to feel 我躺在刚是真实的,我会死只感觉

Why do the same old things keep on happening? 为什么同样的旧事不断发生?

Because beyond my hopes there are no reasons 因为超出了我的期望,没有理由

歌词 Tales Of A Scorched Earth 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tales-of-a-scorched-earth/

歌词 Tales Of A Scorched Earth 的作者与版权信息:


William Patrick Corgan


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.