歌词 "Take Off Your Clothes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Take Off Your Clothes



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What a love this is 什么是爱,这是

You got love on a lovethesis 你有一个lovethesis爱

Did i say you could look at me 我说,你可以看我的

Quit looking at me 退出看着我


You know the drill 你知道该怎么做

You know how it goes 你知道是怎么回事

I wanna see you strip now 我想看到你现在脱光

So take off your clothes [X4] 所以,脱掉你的衣服[ X4 ]


I bought love just a minute 我买的爱只有一分钟

I bought a hand 我买了一个手

Sometimes its hard to be a man 有时,它很难成为一个男人


You know the drill 你知道该怎么做

You know how it goes 你知道是怎么回事

I wanna see you strip now 我想看到你现在脱光

So take off your clothes [X4] 所以,脱掉你的衣服[ X4 ]


1..2..3..4 1..2..3..4


Take off your clothes 脱掉你的衣服

歌词 Take Off Your Clothes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/take-off-your-clothes-1/