歌词 "Take It All" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Take It All



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In a way, the sun has shone on me 从某种意义上说,太阳已经照在了我

Makes it easy to make it hard 可以很容易地使其难以

Take an inch, take a yard, take it all 以一英寸,带一个院子,把它所有

I don't need it at all 我不需要它了


Any day, the sun could shine on you 任何一天,太阳会照耀你

Makes it silly to make it bad 使得它傻,使其不好

Take it good, take it glad, take it all 把它很好,把它高兴,把它所有


[CHORUS:] [合唱: ]

Don't you know there's a stronger thing keeping us together 你不知道有更强的东西保持我们在一起

Don't you know there's a song to sing 你不知道有一首歌曲唱

Sing on, let the feeling take you high 唱歌,让我们感觉带你高


[organ solo (Pete Ham)] [风琴独奏(皮特火腿) ]


[CHORUS] [合唱]


Any day, the sun will shine on you 任何一天,太阳会照耀你

Makes it silly to take it bad 使得把它坏傻

Make it good, take it glad, take it all 变好了,把它高兴,把它所有

I don't need it at all 我不需要它了

I don't want it at all 我不希望它在所有

No, no, no. 不,不,不。

歌词 Take It All 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/take-it-all-2/

歌词 Take It All 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Ham, Peter William Ham


Administrators Of The Estate Of Peter Ham, Apple Publishing Ltd.