歌词 "Take It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Take It



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh little baby you're so fucked up 哦,小宝贝,你是如此一团糟

To much of that and there ain't no love 要很多的,而且也没有任何的爱

Stay in the closet and be real still 留在衣柜里,并成为真正的仍

Daddy's gonna feed you another pill 爸爸会养活你的另一个丸

Tell me what you want and I'll give it back 告诉我你想要什么,我就给回

I think you like a little tiny heart attack 我觉得你好像有点小小的心脏发作

Smoking cigarettes in the morning sun 吸烟在清晨的阳光

Sleep and then your ready for another round 睡眠,然后你准备另一轮


You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以

You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以


Honeybee a-buzzin' in my head today 蜜蜂在今天我的头, buzzin “

I think it wasn't guilty but it flew away 我认为这是不认罪,但它飞走了

Saw you with your lover you look so fine 看到你和你的爱人,你看那么细

And now you're on the phone and asking me what time 现在你的手机上,问我什么时候

No matter what you say no matter what you do 不管你说什么,不管你做什么

I'm never gonna judge you 'cause I'm worse than you 我永远不会评价你因为我比你差

Down in the shadows we make quite a pair 倒在阴影中,我们做出相当的一对

And life is so much better when you can share 而生命是如此美好的时候,你可以分享


You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以

You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以


You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以

You're gonna take it 你会拿这

(Take it) (把它)

Any way you can 什么办法可以

歌词 Take It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/take-it/

歌词 Take It 的作者与版权信息:


David Wyndorf


Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc., Bull God Music Inc.