歌词 "Systems" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a war, there's a clash of sorts 有战争,有各种各样的冲突

Dead ahead 正前方

It's foreign but it's real 这是国外,但它是真实的

Knock, knock, knock 叩,叩,叩

There it sits taxing every move 在那里,它坐落征税的一举一动

Your world son 你的世界的儿子

So either get your gun or clean theirs 所以,要么你的枪或干净的他们

With the neck of your ego on the chopping block 与你的自我的砧板在颈部

Sugar memories bring you back to a time when 糖的记忆把你带回的时候,

Your loudest care was a high chair 你最响亮的护理是一个高脚椅

Not a number or a name for you to make 不是一个数字或者为你做一个名字

This is it cause luck moved out last week 这是它的事业运气上周搬走了

No more camp 没有更多的营

So shine your saber well 当这样照在你的剑井

Before you kill a panzer tank with it 在你杀死一个装甲坦克与它

Like you told everyone you would 就像你告诉大家你会

Good bye 再见

Bend and spread or be dead with no history 本德,传播或死,没有历史

So live for the luxuries 所以住的奢侈品

Cause you can't be a person with your head iced off. 因为你不可能是一个人用你的脑袋冰镇过。

歌词 Systems 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/systems/