歌词 "Swings Both Ways" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Swings Both Ways



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm coming out of the sandbox 我来了沙箱

You'll get covered in dog doo 你会得到包括在狗斗

I'm gonna get off this sea saw 我要下车,这片海域锯

Say goodbye to your mama 说再见,你的妈妈

Oh yea 哦,是啊

Let's get high on some Pop Rock 让我们高一些流行摇滚

Pop Rock and Coke 流行摇滚和可乐

I'll blow your sock off, 我会打击你的袜子了,

teach how to laugh at daddy's dirty jokes 教如何嘲笑爸爸的黄色笑话


Don't hedge your bets, double down 不要对冲你的赌注,双降

if you want to get ahead in Tinsel Town 如果你想在茜草镇获得成功

Turn that smile upside down 打开那笑容倒挂

Happy people don't have sex 幸福的人都没有性生活

Now Robbie, everybody swings both ways 现在罗比,大家摆动左右逢源

From the butchest, the bandits, the fairest, 从butchest ,土匪,最公平的,

the faggots and singers with everything they need 他们所需要的柴和歌手的一切

Everybody swings both ways 每个人都摇左右逢源

Face it Robbie, you're a little bit gay 面对现实吧罗比,你是一个有点同性恋

Shall we dance? 谈谈情跳跳舞?


I'm getting hot on the pavement 我越来越热在人行道上

Can you find me some grass? 您能帮我找到一些草?

I have a certain arrangement 我有一定的安排,

Up the Khyber Pass 了开伯尔山口

Oh ya, let's get high with some fruit cake 雅呵,让我们高一些水果蛋糕

Fruit cake and tea 水果蛋糕和茶

And after I've done her 之后我做了她

Well you can do me 好了,你可以做我的

Oh boy 哦,孩子


Don't hedge your bets, double down, 不要对冲你的赌注,双降,

if you want to get ahead in Tinsel Town 如果你想在茜草镇获得成功

Just follow me you enormous clown 只要按照我说你巨大的小丑

Clever people don't have sex 聪明的人都没有性生活

Now Rufus, everybody swings both ways 现在鲁弗斯,每个人都摇左右逢源

The bully, the bigot, the giant, 欺负的偏执狂,巨人,

the midget and singers with everything they need 他们所需要的侏儒和歌手的一切

Everybody swings both ways 每个人都摇左右逢源

Face it Rufus, you're a tad gay 面对它鲁弗斯,你是一点点同性恋

Oh yea? 哦,是啊?

Face it Robbie, 面对现实吧罗比,

Uh huh? 嗯?

You're a little bit gay 你是一个有点同性恋

歌词 Swings Both Ways 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/swings-both-ways/