歌词 "Swamp River Days" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Swamp River Days



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Two-lane 双线

Shinin' in the july dust 于7月尘照耀

Heat risin' off the road 热RISIN 小康的道路

Out in front of my truck 在我的车前

Pulled my pick-up over the hill 拉着我的回升在小山

Down the slide gravel through the cat-tails 上下贯通的猫尾巴滑砾石

Give me those swamp river days again 再次给我那些沼泽河天


Sat down in the shade of a cotton wood tree 在丝棉木树的树荫下坐了下来

Pretty soon the swamp critters' callin' me 很快沼泽的小动物“叫我

Skinny river kids swim in my mind 窄身河的孩子在我的脑海游

Hucklebums on cane-pole time 在甘蔗杆时间Hucklebums

Give me those swamp river days again 再次给我那些沼泽河天


Old memories out in the crick 老人回忆了在克里克

Playin' hooky with a hobo stick 儿戏逃学与流浪汉棍

Old memories startin' to fade 挑动褪色旧回忆

Take me away 带我走


Cody river playin' on the radio 在电台科迪河儿戏

Takes me back to a girl I used to know 把我带回到一个女孩,我用了才知道

Sweet Susie do you think about me 甜苏茜你对我的看法

That was good as it's ever gonna be 这是很好的,因为它是从来没有准备要

Give me those swamp river days again 再次给我那些沼泽河天

Give me those swamp river days again 再次给我那些沼泽河天

歌词 Swamp River Days 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/swamp-river-days/

歌词 Swamp River Days 的作者与版权信息:


John C. Fogerty


Cody River Music Co.