歌词 "Sure Feels Right" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Sure Feels Right


歌词相关歌手:JAKE OWEN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've always had a thing for girls that dance 我一直对于舞蹈的女孩的事情

When they get a little tipsy 当他们得到一点点醉意

Corona cold in your hand, your brushed back hair 电晕寒冷在你的手,你刷回发

I took another sip of whiskey 我拿着威士忌的另一个SIP

And I didn't let the ice cubes melt in the bottom of my plastic cup 我没有让冰块融化在我的塑料杯底部


And I said hey pretty girl you wanna get out of here? 我说,嘿,你想漂亮的女孩离开这里?

And you looked up 而你抬头

Looking in your big blue eyes 看在你蓝色的大眼睛

Laying there that night 躺在那儿,当晚


I said this sure feels dangerous to me 我说这肯定感觉危险的我

It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline 感觉就像是打比赛接吻汽油

It feels a little better than it ever has 感觉好一点比以往任何时候都

It sure feels good, baby let's be bad 可以肯定的感觉很好,宝贝,让我们不好

I feel your heart, I feel you there 我觉得你的心脏,我觉得你有

I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared tonight 我觉得有点勇敢,我觉得有点害怕,今晚

But it sure feels right 但它肯定感觉不错


Well then the sunrise hit the window 那么日出砸窗

And there you were 还有你

In my Alabama t-shirt 在我的阿拉巴马州T恤

I fly where angels sleep like a dream 我飞天使在哪里睡像一个梦

You got me thinking 'bout those 3 words 你让我在想回合的3个字

And I didn't sneak off like I done so many times before 我并没有偷偷喜欢过我以前做了很多次


And you opened up your eyes and gave me a kiss 而且你打开了你的眼睛,给了我一个吻

I said give me one more 我说给我一次

And in those twisted covers 而在这些扭曲的盖子

We'll be more than lovers 我们会更比情人


And you said this sure feels dangerous to me 你说这肯定感觉危险的我

It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline 感觉就像是打比赛接吻汽油

It feels a little better than it ever has 感觉好一点比以往任何时候都

It sure feels good, baby let's be bad 可以肯定的感觉很好,宝贝,让我们不好

I feel your heart, I feel you there 我觉得你的心脏,我觉得你有

I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared in the morning light 我觉得有点勇敢,我觉得在清晨的阳光有点害怕

And it sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错


It sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错


It sure feels dangerous to me 可以肯定的感觉危险的我

It feels like a struck match kissing gasoline 感觉就像是打比赛接吻汽油

It feels a little better than it ever has 感觉好一点比以往任何时候都

It sure feels good, baby let's be bad 可以肯定的感觉很好,宝贝,让我们不好

I feel your heart, I feel you there 我觉得你的心脏,我觉得你有

I feel a little brave, I feel a little scared tonight 我觉得有点勇敢,我觉得有点害怕,今晚

And it sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错


And it sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错

And it sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错

And it sure feels right 它肯定感觉不错


Live big wide when we go out tonight 现场大范围的时候,我们今晚出去

And relive that time 和重温那段时间

Corona cold in your hand, your brushed back hair 电晕寒冷在你的手,你刷回发

I'll sip on my whiskey 我抿了一口威士忌我

You know I always had a thing for girls that dance 你知道我一直对那女孩跳舞的事

When they get a little tipsy 当他们得到一点点醉意

歌词 Sure Feels Right 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sure-feels-right-1/