歌词 "Summer Holiday" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Summer Holiday



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We're all going on a summer holiday 我们都打算在暑假

No more working for a week or two 没有更多的工作了两个星期

Fun and laughter on our summer holiday 乐趣和笑声在我们的暑假

No more worries for me or you 对我来说,也没有更多的后顾之忧

For a week or two 一个星期或两个


We're going where the sun shines brightly 我们要去那里的阳光照耀

We're going where the sea is blue 我们要去那里的海是蓝色的

We've seen it in the movies 我们已经看到了它在电影

Now let's see if it's true 现在让我们来看看这是真的


Everybody has a summer holiday 每个人都有一个暑假

Doing things they always wanted to 在做的事情,他们总是想

So we're going on a summer holiday 所以我们要在一个暑假

To make our dreams come true 为了让我们的梦想成真

For me and you 我和你


We're going where the sun shines brightly 我们要去那里的阳光照耀

We're going where the sea is blue 我们要去那里的海是蓝色的

We've seen it in the movies 我们已经看到了它在电影

Now let's see if it's true 现在让我们来看看这是真的


Everybody has a summer holiday 每个人都有一个暑假

Doing things they always wanted to 在做的事情,他们总是想

So we're going on a summer holiday 所以我们要在一个暑假

To make our dreams come true 为了让我们的梦想成真

For me and you 我和你


Mmm, mmm 嗯,嗯

Mmm, mmm 嗯,嗯

Mmm, mmm 嗯,嗯

歌词 Summer Holiday 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/summer-holiday-1/