歌词 "Suffer" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm gonna suffer for you no longer 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna suffer for you no more 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna write you out of my life 我要去给你写了我的生活

And shut the door 关上了门


You tried to drive a wedge between me and my friends 你想开车送我和我的朋友之间的一个楔子

You pushed me to the edge time and again 你把我推到边缘一次又一次

I've been living in your shade since I can't remember when 我一直生活在你的树荫下,因为我不记得

Now I'm bringing this charade to an end 现在,我把这场游戏结束


I'm gonna suffer for you no longer 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna suffer for you no more 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna write you out of my life 我要去给你写了我的生活

And shut the door 关上了门


There was subtlety and skill in your manipulative ways 有微妙和技能在你的操控方式

You chipped away my will so you could make me stay 你插话了我的意志,所以你可以让我留下来

You soothed me with your voice until I obeyed 你安慰我,你的声音,直到我服从

But I'm making my own choice from today 不过,我在做我自己的选择,从今天


You used the tongue of love like a boxer uses fists 你用爱的舌头就像一个拳击手,用拳头

You contained me like a glove or a creeping cloak of mist 你载我像手套或雾的爬行斗篷

You guaranteed the stars but there always was a twist 保证你的明星,但总是有被扭曲

Now I see you as you are - Egotist! 现在,我看你,你是 - 自大!


I'm gonna suffer for you no longer 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna suffer for you no more 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna write you out of my life 我要去给你写了我的生活

And shut the door 关上了门


I've got a ticket in my hand and I must be moving on 我有一票在我手里,我必须对移动

But I want you to understand that from the moment I am gone 但我希望你能明白,从此刻我走了

I release and let you go - you owe nothing now to me 我释放,让你走 - 你现在欠我什么都不是

I'm not angry anymore - I'm free! 我不生气了 - 我是自由的!


I'm gonna suffer for you no longer 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna suffer for you no more 我会为你不再受苦

I'm gonna write you out of my life 我要去给你写了我的生活

And shut the door 关上了门

歌词 Suffer 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/suffer-7/