歌词 "Such A Scream" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Such A Scream


歌词相关歌手:TOM WAITS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well Pale Face said 以及苍白的脸说:

To the Eyeball Kid 在眼球小子

She just goes clank and boom and steam 她只是去铮铮和吊杆和蒸汽

A halo, wings, horns and a tail 光环,翅膀,犄角和尾巴

Shoveling coal inside my dreams 在我的梦想铲煤

There are no laws 有没有规律

She's made of cream 她制成药膏

She's such a scream 她的这种尖叫


Qui bon tres bien, nails in cement 魁榜特雷斯边,钉在水泥

A Donnie gal from mortal clay 从凡人粘土A.甄子丹加仑

The plow is red 犁是红色的

The well is full inside 该井是完整的内

The dollhouse of her skull 她的头骨的娃娃屋

A cheetah coat fills up with steam 印度豹大衣充满了蒸汽

She's such a scream 她的这种尖叫


All crooked lines 所有歪线

Her fireplace 她的壁炉

A milktrain so clean à milktrain那么干净

Machine gun haste 机枪急速

You'll ride the only wall of shame 你会骑耻辱的唯一壁

And drag that chain across the state 并拖动链全州

Her lips are red 她的嘴唇是红色的

She is the queen 她是女王

She's such a scream 她的这种尖叫

歌词 Such A Scream 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/such-a-scream/

歌词 Such A Scream 的作者与版权信息:


Thomas Alan Waits


Jalma Music