歌词 "Subterfuge" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[G. Tipton, C. Tsangarides] [ G。蒂普顿,三Tsangarides ]


Holy father drink the fire water 圣父喝火水

Preaching peace as you go to war 传和平为你去打仗

Politicians making brave decisions 政治家做出勇敢的决定

Always got self interest at heart 总是有自身利益的心脏


We are to you just a drop in the ocean 我们给你的只是沧海一粟

Maybe that's true but it's only a notion 也许这就是真实的,但它只是一个概念

You integrate with a friendly intrusion 你整合与友好的入侵

We won't get fooled we have come to conclusion 我们不会上当,我们来总结


Subterfuge deludes the views of you and me 托词欺你和我的意见

We're confused but still we choose to disagree 我们很困惑,但我们仍然选择不同意

Subterfuge consumes us but defiantly 托词消耗我们,但挑衅

We refuse to bow down to conformity 我们拒绝跪拜合格


Evil mothers hiding under covers 邪恶的母亲盖下隐藏

Always near but just out of sight 总是靠近,只是淡出人们的视线


Hey big brother - watch as we recover 嘿,大哥 - 看着我们恢复

'Cause we'll never give up the fight 因为我们永远不会放弃战斗

And we say no! 我们说没有!


Give us a name and you give us the power 给我们一个名称,你给我们力量

Watch as we gather our strength by the hour 看着我们聚集力量按小时

You think we're blind and weak in decision 你以为我们是盲人和薄弱的决策

But we see it all from peripheral vision 但是我们看到这一切,从余光


Subterfuge deludes the views of you and me 托词欺你和我的意见

We're confused but still we choose to disagree 我们很困惑,但我们仍然选择不同意

Subterfuge consumes us but defiantly 托词消耗我们,但挑衅

We refuse to bow down to conformity 我们拒绝跪拜合格


Somebody wins, somebody lose 有人获胜,有人输

Some call it subterfuge 有人称之为托词

Somebody wins, somebody lose 有人获胜,有人输

They fall to subterfuge 他们下降到托词


Subterfuge deludes the views of you and me 托词欺你和我的意见

We're confused but still we choose to disagree 我们很困惑,但我们仍然选择不同意

Subterfuge consumes us but defiantly 托词消耗我们,但挑衅

We refuse to bow down to conformity 我们拒绝跪拜合格


Somebody wins, somebody lose 有人获胜,有人输

Some call it subterfuge 有人称之为托词

Somebody wins, somebody lose 有人获胜,有人输

They fall to subterfuge 他们下降到托词

歌词 Subterfuge 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/subterfuge/