歌词 "Straight Lines" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Straight Lines



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Breathing from a hole in my lung 从我的肺中的呼吸孔

I had no one 我有没有人

But faces in front of me 但是,在我面前面临

Racing through the void in my head 通过在我的脑海虚空赛车

To find traces of a good luck academy 为了找到一个好运气学院的痕迹


Sparks ignite and trade them for thought 火花点燃和交易他们的思想

About no one 关于无人

And nothing in particular 并没有什么特别

Washed the sickened socket and drove 冲生病插座,开车

Resent nothing 讨厌什么

There's good will inside of me 有我内心的善意


Wake me up lower the fever 叫我起床更低的发热

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Set me on fire in the evening 把我的火在晚上

Everything will be fine 一切都会好起来的

Waking up strong in the morning 醒来强大的早上

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Lately I'm a desperate believer 最近我是一个绝望的信徒

But walking in a straight line 但走在一条直线上


Something I will never forget 这是我永远不会忘记

I felt desperate 我感到绝望

And stuck to the marrow 并坚持骨髓

Invisible to everyone else 看不见其他人

I'm a sex change 我是个变性

And a damsel with no heroine 并没有女主角有一个使女


Wake me up lower the fever 叫我起床更低的发热

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Set me on fire in the evening 把我的火在晚上

Everything will be fine 一切都会好起来的

Waking up strong in the morning 醒来强大的早上

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Lately I'm a desperate believer 最近我是一个绝望的信徒

But walking in a straight line 但走在一条直线上


I don't need no time to say 我不需要没有时间去说

There's no changing yesterday 有没有昨天的变化

If we keep talking and 如果我们继续聊天,

I keep walking in straight lines 我一直在走直线


Wake me up lower the fever 叫我起床更低的发热

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Set me on fire in the evening 把我的火在晚上

Everything will be fine 一切都会好起来的

Waking up strong in the morning 醒来强大的早上

Walking in a straight line 走在一条直线上

Lately I'm a desperate believer 最近我是一个绝望的信徒

But walking in a straight line 但走在一条直线上

歌词 Straight Lines 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/straight-lines/

歌词 Straight Lines 的作者与版权信息:


Julian Hamilton, Daniel Johns


Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Lim, Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited, Emi Music Publishing Australia Pty Ltd.