歌词 "Stop Your Sobbing" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Stop Your Sobbing



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It is time for you to stop all of your sobbing 现在是时候让你停止你所有的抽泣

Yes it's time for you to stop all of your sobbing oh oh oh 是的,它是时间让你停止你所有的抽泣喔喔喔

There's one thing you gotta do 有一件事你必须做的

To make me still want you 让我还是想你

Gotta stop sobbing now 宝贝,现在停止哭泣

Yeah yeah stop it stop it 是啊是啊阻止它停止


It is time for you to laugh instead of crying 现在是时候让你笑,而不是哭

Yes it's time for you to laugh so keep on trying oh oh oh 是的,它是时间让你笑的这么继续努力哦,哦,哦,

There's one thing you gotta do 有一件事你必须做的

To make me still want you 让我还是想你

Gotta stop sobbing now 宝贝,现在停止哭泣

Yeah yeah stop it stop it 是啊是啊阻止它停止


Each little tear that falls from your eyes 每个小撕裂的瀑布从你的眼睛

Makes, makes me want 让,让我想

To take you in my arms and tell you 把你在我的怀里,并告诉你

To stop all your sobbing 要停止所有的抽泣声


There's one thing you gotta do 有一件事你必须做的

To make me still want you 让我还是想你

And there's one thing you gotta know 还有一件事你必须知道

To make me want you so 让我想你,

Gotta stop sobbing now 宝贝,现在停止哭泣

Yeah yeah stop it stop it 是啊是啊阻止它停止

歌词 Stop Your Sobbing 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stop-your-sobbing-1/

歌词 Stop Your Sobbing 的作者与版权信息:


Ray Davies


Jayboy Music Corp.