歌词 "Stompa" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a light and I can see it in your eyes 有一盏灯,我可以看到它在你的眼睛

There's a memory of the way you used to be 还有你曾经是这样的存储器

Nothing's gone it still shines evey time you turn it on 什么也没有了它依然闪耀埃维一次打开它

And when you slow it down... 而当你慢下来......


People, working every night and day 人,每天工作没日没夜

Never give yourself no time 不要给自己任何时间

Got too many bills to pay 有太多的账单要付

Slow down, nothing's gonna disappear 慢下来,没有什么是要去消失

If you give yourself some room 如果你给自己一些空间

To move to the music you hear 移动到你听到的音乐


Gotta get up, listen to me 总得爬起来,听我说

Clappa your hands, stompa your feet Clappa你的手, stompa你的脚


People, looking for the great escape 人,找大逃亡

Looking to the greener side 展望一边更绿

Trying to find a better way 试图找到一种更好的方式

Slow down; open up your big brown eyes 减速;打开你的棕色大眼睛

Feel the rhythm in your heart 感受节奏在你的心脏

You don't even need to try 你甚至不需要去尝试


Gotta get up, listen to me 总得爬起来,听我说

Clappa your hands, stompa your feet Clappa你的手, stompa你的脚

Nothing is wrong, if you move to the beat 没有什么是错的,如果移动的节拍

Clappa your hands Clappa你的手

Stompa your feet Stompa你的脚

Stompa your feet Stompa你的脚


When you can't seem to shake off all the feelings that are breaking 当你似乎无法摆脱所有被破坏的感受


Little pieces of the music that's in you 小件音乐在你的

All the pain that you feel 所有你感到痛苦

I can prove it's not real 我可以证明它不是真正的

There's just one thing you gotta do 只是有一件事你必须做的


Gotta get up, listen to me 总得爬起来,听我说

Clappa your hands, stompa your feet Clappa你的手, stompa你的脚

Nothing is wrong, if you move to the beat 没有什么是错的,如果移动的节拍

Clappa your hands Clappa你的手

Stompa your feet Stompa你的脚

Stompa your feet Stompa你的脚


Stompa your feet, stompa your feet Stompa你的脚, stompa你的脚

歌词 Stompa 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stompa/

歌词 Stompa 的作者与版权信息:


Serena Lauren Ryder, Jerrod Bettis


Asternaut, Margetts Road Music, Irving Music Inc., WB Music Corp.