歌词 "Stole You Away" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Stole You Away



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There was a boat in a sea I knew 有一个海,我知道一条船

Couldn't believe what I saw was true 简直不敢相信我所看到的是真实的

I swam out through the waves 任我游出劈波斩浪

I caught it as it moved away 我抓住了它,因为它搬走


I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

Next time I'll steal you away 下一次,我会偷你走

Next time I'll steal you, darling, you stay 下一次,我会偷你,亲爱的,你留下来


There was a change 有一个变化

In the way you breathe 在路上你的呼吸

I couldn't believe 我简直不敢相信

You would change for me 你会为我改变


And if you hear the sound 如果你听到的声音

Of shooting stars 流星

Protect your heart 'cause it burns back 保护你的心脏因为它燃烧回来

And turns back around 回百转左右


I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

Next time I'll steal you away 下一次,我会偷你走

Next time I'll steal you, darling, you stay 下一次,我会偷你,亲爱的,你留下来


High strung your soul 高串起你的灵魂

It's uncovered by believing 它的发现被认为

And the things you see 里面的东西你看


You spent too long running 你花了太长的运行

But there's nothing coming 但没有什么降临

Turn around and run into me 转身碰到了我


I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

I said I'd stole you away 我说我偷了你走

Next time I'll steal you away 下一次,我会偷你走

Next time I'll steal you, darling, you stay 下一次,我会偷你,亲爱的,你留下来

歌词 Stole You Away 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stole-you-away/