歌词 "Still Running" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Still Running



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Disclaimer: We should all hope and look towards the day where man realizes that the sounds exiting his mouth are mostly complaints and a change occurs. 免责声明:我们应该都希望和展望的日子里,人意识到,退出他的嘴的声音大多是抱怨和发生变化。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Say it say it that it's done 说是说,它的完成

I want it, want it need it done 我要它,要它需要做

Say it say it that it's done 说是说,它的完成

I want it, want it need it done 我要它,要它需要做


Along you support 沿着你的支持

Then embrace another reason to see 然后拥抱另一个原因看

Success we unfold 我们的成功开展

Clutching firm betting he panics for sure 抓着博彩公司他恐慌肯定

Say it say it that it's done 说是说,它的完成

I want it, want it need it done 我要它,要它需要做

The lie, want to know 谎言,想知道

Has it met, expectations so far 有它见了,预期至今


[Chorus 2 (x3):] [合唱团2 ( X3 ) : ]

Still running never waking up 仍在运行永远不会醒来

To say it 再说吧


[Bridge] [桥]

Selfishly walking through killing the angles 通过杀死自私的角度走

Picking and choosing to screw 挑挑拣拣螺丝

All of us one by one 我们都逐一


So run 所以运行

Make amends 弥补

Feeling torn 撕裂的感觉

Boy you better be sure 小子,你一定要把时间




Still running 仍在运行

Still running 仍在运行

Still running 仍在运行

Still running 仍在运行


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Still Running 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/still-running-1/

歌词 Still Running 的作者与版权信息:


Joseph Loeffler, Samuel Loeffler, Peter Loeffler


Pay Your Dues Through Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.