歌词 "Still In Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Still In Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You look so sorry, please tell me what's wrong 你看起来很抱歉,请你告诉我什么是错的

Just what are you thinking, you look so forlorn 只是你在想什么,你看起来这么渺茫

Maybe you're thinking that I have been untrue 也许你在想,我一直不真实

So let me assure you and tell you the truth 因此,让我向你保证,并告诉你真相

I'm not one to fool around 我不是一个鬼混

The mistake that I made was not meant to hurt you 我所犯的错误并没有想过要伤害你

I needed somehow to try and find out 我需要以某种方式,试图找出

How I really felt inside 如何我真的觉得里面

And I know I'm... 而且我知道我...

Still in love 还是爱

I'm so... 我很...

Still in love 还是爱

I'm gonna be all you want me to be...cos I am 我会在所有你要我......因为我很

Still in love 还是爱


Still in love yeah 还是爱啊

I'm gonna do all you want me to do 我会做所有你想要我做什么


Don't ask no questions won't tell you no lies 不要问任何问题,也不会告诉你,没有谎言

It's something that happened in which I can't disguise 这件事情发生在我不能掩饰

I needed somebody to take me away 我需要有人来带我走

From feelings of doubt which in my mind delay 从怀疑感情在我心中的延迟

But you've always been the one 但你一直是一个

And there are days when I know I should have told you 而有天,当我知道我应该告诉你

So please don't you cry 所以,请你不要哭

Cos I'm gonna try 因为我是要去尝试

To make you believe in me 为了让你相信我

And I know I'm 我知道我


Still in love 还是爱

I'm so... 我很...

Still in love 还是爱

I'm gonna be all you want me to be...cos I am 我会在所有你要我......因为我很

Still in love 还是爱


Still in love yeah 还是爱啊

I'm gonna do all you want me to do 我会做所有你想要我做什么


You must be the one for me 您必须是我的唯一

Cos as hard as I try COS硬如我尝试

I just can't let you go 我不能让你走

So that you know baby 所以,你知道宝宝

Please, please don't go 拜托,请不要走

Cos you are just all that I need 因为你只是我所需要的

And I know I'm... 而且我知道我...


Still in love 还是爱

I'm so... 我很...

Still in love 还是爱

I'm gonna be all you want me to be...cos I am 我会在所有你要我......因为我很

Still in love 还是爱


Still in love yeah 还是爱啊

I'm gonna do all you want me to do 我会做所有你想要我做什么

歌词 Still In Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/still-in-love-18/