歌词 "Stealing My Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Stealing My Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well luck is expensive and freedom comes cheap 好运气是昂贵的,自由是便宜

When love's on the menu, I don't drink so deep 当爱的菜单上,我不喝那么深

Well I was just out there to have me some fun 嗯,我只是在那里有我一些有趣

But it's easier said than done 但是,这谈何容易


Mmm... we're standing so far apart 嗯......我们正站在相隔那么远

We had a string of false starts 我们有假开头的字符串

I can't seem to stop it now 我似乎现在不能阻止它

It grows and it grows and it grows 它的增长,它的增长,它的增长


Stealing my heart, stealing my heart, stealing my heart 偷了我的心脏,偷了我的心脏,偷了我的心脏

Yeah 是啊


My cards are on the table, you can look up my sleeves 我的卡在桌子上,你可以看一下我的袖子

You say you're honest but love is for thieves 你说你是诚实的,但爱是贼

Well I was just out there, chaste as a nun 嗯,我只是在那里,贞洁的修女

But it's easier said than done 但是,这谈何容易


Yeah, like a shot in the dark 是啊,就像在黑暗中拍摄

You shoot me right out the park 你拍我右出公园

I can't seem to stop it 我似乎无法阻止它

It grows and it grows and it grows 它的增长,它的增长,它的增长


Stealing my heart, stealing my heart, stealing my heart 偷了我的心脏,偷了我的心脏,偷了我的心脏

Yeah 是啊


Well you've got no money and I've got no charm 好了,你已经没有钱,我没有魅力

While you're in a panic, I stay so calm 当你在一个恐慌,我留下如此平静

Well I was just out there to have me some fun 嗯,我只是在那里有我一些有趣

But it's easier said than done 但是,这谈何容易


Yes, yeah, I though I was shot open 是的,是的,我还以为我开枪杀

Yeah, you were a walk in the park 是啊,你在公园里散步

I though you were dinner, but you were the shark 我一直以为你是吃饭,但你是鲨鱼


Yeah, stealing, stealing my heart, yeah 是啊,偷,偷了我的心脏,是的

Stealing, stealing, stealing, stealing my heart 偷,偷,偷,偷了我的心脏

Stealing my, stealing my heart 偷我的,偷了我的心脏

Stealing my heart, yeah 偷了我的心脏,是的

Come on, come one 来吧,来吧1

Stealing my heart..... 偷了我的心脏.....

歌词 Stealing My Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stealing-my-heart/

歌词 Stealing My Heart 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Phillip Jagger, Keith Richards


Promopub B.V.