歌词 "Stay" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Once again your eyes make it hard to say goodbye 再次你的眼睛使它很难说再见

So I'll just keep driving 所以我就继续行驶

Where you wanna go? It doesn't really matter 你要去哪里?这其实并不重要

As long as you are here with me 只要你在我身边


There's something in the air tonight 有什么东西在今晚的空气

Something that makes me feel alive 一些让我觉得活着

And I said what were the words that you said to me? 我说你是怎么对我说的话吗?

That made me feel so special now 这让我感觉很特别,现在


Once again your eyes make it hard to ask you why 再次你的眼睛让人很难问你为什么

So I sit here, knuckles tied 所以,我坐在这里,指关节绑

Hands against the wheel, your head against the glass 手拿方向盘,你的头靠在玻璃

And you mean so much to me 而你的意思是我这么多


There's something in the air tonight 有什么东西在今晚的空气

Something that makes me feel alive 一些让我觉得活着

And I said what were the words that you said to me? 我说你是怎么对我说的话吗?

That made me feel so special 这让我感觉很特别


Stay with me 留在我身边

Cigarettes in open air, hand in hand 在露天,携手香烟

And I said stay with me 我说留在我身边

'Cause every star that I see, is better than the last “因为每个明星,我看到的,是比去年好


So stay with me 所以,留在我身边

歌词 Stay 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stay-32/