歌词 "Static On The Radio" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Static On The Radio



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What's that song on the radio 什么是收音机的那首歌

It's been so long since I've heard a song that I want t oknow 这是这么久以来我听说过,我想吨oknow一首歌

Every word and every note 每一个字,每一个音符

What's that song on the radio 什么是收音机的那首歌

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Cause there's too much 因为有太多的


Static on the radio 静对射


I could easily write by avoiding verdicts and judgements 我可以很容易避免的判决和判决写

But then I wouldn't be the one hanging myself over one wish 但我不会让自己挂在自己的一个愿望


What's that song on the radio 什么是收音机的那首歌

It's been so long since I've heard a song that I want to know 这是这么久以来我听说过,我想知道一首歌

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Cause there's too much 因为有太多的


Static on the radio 静对射


What is it that makes artists feel that 是什么力量让艺术家感到

Lack of focus is appropriate 缺乏重点是适当

And is accepted as an art form 而被接受为一种艺术形式

Please wake up 请唤醒


What's this song on the radio 什么是这首歌在电台

It's been so long since I've heard a song that I want to know 这是这么久以来我听说过,我想知道一首歌

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Tune me in just this once 调我就这一次

Cause there's too much 因为有太多的


Static on the radio 静对射

歌词 Static On The Radio 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/static-on-the-radio-1/

歌词 Static On The Radio 的作者与版权信息:


Barry Louis Collins, Benjamin Melan Collins, Michael Cook Busse, Brandon Michael Lee


Chronic Future Music, Universal Music Corp.