歌词 "State Of Mind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

State Of Mind



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The world seems not the same... 当世界变得不一样......


Introducing twisting mystic vibes, yeah! 引入扭神秘的共鸣,是啊!


If you wanna rock now - let me know, 如果你现在想摇摆 - 让我知道,

Put your hands up now and let's go 把你的手现在让我们去

Scream if you feel it, hands up you deal it, 如果你觉得它的手你处理它尖叫,

Everybody now bounce it up and down 大家现在就反弹向上和向下

If you're feeling bad you feel like F.U.C.K, what I gotta say, listen to the DJ 如果你感觉不好,你觉得像他妈的,我得说,听DJ

18 shots, you don't score a goal, 18次射门,你不进球,

See I smash on a track, you get out of control 看我砸在轨道上,你失控


The world seems not the same 当世界变得不一样

Though I know nothing has changed 虽然我知道,一切都没有改变

It's all my state of mind 这是心头的所有状态

I can't leave it all behind 我不能离开这一切的背后


The world seems not the same 当世界变得不一样

Though I know nothing has changed 虽然我知道,一切都没有改变

It's all my state of mind 这是心头的所有状态

I can't leave it all behind 我不能离开这一切的背后


Yeah! 是啊!

Let your soul get undressed, and open up your mind! 让你的灵魂脱下衣服,然后打开你的心!

Yeeeeaaaah! Yeeeeaaaah !


If you wanna rock now - let me know! 如果你现在想摇摆 - 让我知道!

Put your hands up now and let's go! 把你的手,现在,让我们开始吧!

Scream if you feel it, hands up you deal it 尖叫,如果你觉得它的手你处理它

Everybody now bounce it up and down 大家现在就反弹向上和向下


The world seems not the same 当世界变得不一样

Though I know nothing has changed 虽然我知道,一切都没有改变

It's all my state of mind 这是心头的所有状态

I can't leave it all behind 我不能离开这一切的背后


Release the pressure! 释放压力!

As we fly with the rhythm! 当我们跟着节奏飞!

I need to know, would you die, for the rhythm? 我想知道,你会死,因为节奏?

'Cos I could die, for the rhythm 因为我可能会死,对于节奏

We're getting high with the rhythm 我们正在与高节奏


It's all my state of mind 这是心头的所有状态

I can't leave it all behind 我不能离开这一切的背后

歌词 State Of Mind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/state-of-mind-2/

歌词 State Of Mind 的作者与版权信息:


H. P. Baxxter, Michael Joey Simon, Jens Peter Thele, Rick J. Jordan


Hanseatic Musikverlag Gmbh & Co. Kg, Sheffield Communications Publishing