歌词 "Starting Over" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Starting Over



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Got to face your fear 必须面对你的恐惧

lying on the floor 趴在地板上

Step into nothing, what the hell am I here for? 踏入什么,什么是地狱我会在这里呢?

So come on and play 这样一来就玩

Stab me in my heart 刺在我心脏

So long this time was wasted ripping me apart 只要这段时间被浪费了撕扯我除了


We are the hurt inside your head 我们是你的脑袋里面的伤

Lost in the void of what is dead 失去了什么是死的空白

Constantly twisting things I said 不断扭动的东西,我说

Happiness is boring, need pain instead 幸福是枯燥的,需要的,而不是痛苦


It's starting over, starting over 它开始了,开始了

Can't stand it's over, God is gonna take me out 不能忍受它已经结束了,上帝会带我出去

My time is over, this time is over 我的时间已经过去,这时候已经过去

Why is this over? God is gonna take me out 这是为什么了?上帝要带我出去


(God is gonna take me out) (上帝是要带我出去)


Crawling on the floor 爬在地板上

All around this space 所有围绕这个空间

Talking to myself 自言自语

What is this thing I've got to face? 这是什么事我得去面对?

Walking through a door 通过走门

Has it been a waste? 它是否是一种浪费?

Going on and on thinking I could find my place 怎么回事,就以为我能找到我的地方


We are the hurt inside your head 我们是你的脑袋里面的伤

Lost in the void of what is dead 失去了什么是死的空白

Constantly twisting things I said 不断扭动的东西,我说

Happiness is boring, need pain instead 幸福是枯燥的,需要的,而不是痛苦


It's starting over, starting over 它开始了,开始了

Can't stand it's over, God is gonna take me out 不能忍受它已经结束了,上帝会带我出去

My time is over, this time is over 我的时间已经过去,这时候已经过去

Why is this over? God is gonna take me out 这是为什么了?上帝要带我出去


God is gonna take me out (God is gonna take me out) 神是要带我出去(上帝会带我出去)

God is gonna take me out 上帝要带我出去


You can't see 你看不到

I'm torn away from you and everything that's 我撕下了你,一切的

close to me 靠近我

I cannot face the truth, it's nothing that 我无法面对真相,这是什么,

I believe 我相信

Just run away from me and thank me when you're 只是逃避我,感谢我,当你

free from me 无我

Come take me 快来带我


Come take me 快来带我

Come take me 快来带我

Come take me 快来带我

Come take me 快来带我


Come take me (We are the hurt inside your head) 快来带我(我们是你的脑袋里面的伤)

(Lost in the void of what is dead) (在什么是死虚空丢失)

Come take me (Constantly twisting things I said) 快来带我(不断扭动的东西,我说)

(Happiness is boring, need pain instead) (幸福是枯燥的,需要痛代替)

Come take me (We are the hurt inside your head) 快来带我(我们是你的脑袋里面的伤)

(Lost in the void of what is dead) (在什么是死虚空丢失)

Come take me (Constantly twisting things I said) 快来带我(不断扭动的东西,我说)

(Happiness is boring, need pain instead) (幸福是枯燥的,需要痛代替)

歌词 Starting Over 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/starting-over-7/

歌词 Starting Over 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Carr, Tom Read, John Randall Fields, Jonathan Howsman Davis, Cameron Baines, James Christian Shaffer, Luis Cabezas, Atticus Ross, Reginald Arvizu, Kelly Ogden, Richard Rose, Grant Relf


Musik Munk Publishing, Songs Of Windswept Pacific, Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Lim, Songs Of Universal Inc., Stratosphericyoness Music, Fieldysnuttz Music, Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Australia) Pty Limited, Oh Sniffy Music, Australian Broadcasting Corp., Strawberrius Music, Songs In The Key Of Mink