歌词 "Startin' With Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Startin' With Me


歌词相关歌手:JAKE OWEN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I had a one night stand with my best friend's baby sister 我有一夜情我最好的朋友的妹妹

And to this day he still won't speak to me 而到今天,他仍然不会跟我说话

I pawned my grandpa's old guitar in college í典当爷爷的老吉他在大学

For a case of beer and a tank of gasoline 对于一箱啤酒和汽油罐


I took a swing at my old man one Christmas 我参加了一个摇摆在我老头子一年圣诞节

I never dreamed that it would be his last 我从来没有想过,这将是他最后一次

I wish mom had rung my neck when she caught me with those cigarettes 我希望妈妈响了我的脖子上时,她抓住了我与香烟

Which reminds me, I'm down to my last pack 这提醒了我,我到我最后的包


If I had a dime for half the things I did 如果我有一毛钱的一半的事情,我做了

That didn't make no sense at all, I'd be living a little higher on the hog 这并没有使毫无意义的,我会住在生猪高一点

If only I'd've known that later on down the road 如果只Idve知道,后来在路上

I'd look back and not like what I see 我回过头来,不喜欢我所看到的

I'd've changed a lot of things... Startin' with me Idve改变了很多东西......挑动了我


I called my brother everything I could think of 我打电话给我的哥哥一切我能想到的

The night he wouldn't bail me out of jail 晚上,他就不会保释我出狱

I lost a job most folks 'round here would die for 我失去了工作,大多数人轮在这里会死的

By laying out all night and raising hell 铺设了一夜,提高地狱


And I let a woman that I love slip through my fingers 我让我爱上了一个女人从我的指缝溜走

Chalk another dumb move up to my foolish pride 粉笔另一个愚蠢的举动了我愚蠢的骄傲

I wasn't there standin' by the bed when the preacher bowed his head 我是不是有站在按在床上,当牧师低下头

With the family, the day my grandma die 与家人,那天我奶奶死了


If I had a dime for half the things I did 如果我有一毛钱的一半的事情,我做了

That didn't make no sense at all, I'd be living a little higher on the hog 这并没有使毫无意义的,我会住在生猪高一点

If only I'd've known that later on down the road 如果只Idve知道,后来在路上

I'd look back and not like what I see 我回过头来,不喜欢我所看到的


Ohh, I'd've changed a lot of things... Startin' with me 哦, Idve改变了很多东西......挑动了我


If only I'd've known that later on down the road 如果只Idve知道,后来在路上

I'd look back and not like what I see 我回过头来,不喜欢我所看到的

Ohh, I'd've changed a lot of things... Startin' with me 哦, Idve改变了很多东西......挑动了我

Startin' with me... 挑动了我...

歌词 Startin' With Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/startin_-with-me/

歌词 Startin' With Me 的作者与版权信息:


Joshua Ryan Owen, Jimmy Ritchey


Fox Ridge Music, Universal Music - Careers, Shiitake Maki Publishing