歌词 "Start With Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Start With Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well your mom and me We think it’s pretty neat 好吧我和你妈妈,我们认为这是相当整洁

How our love turned out this way 如何我们的爱变成了这样,

When we heard your heart 当我们听到你的心脏

Oh, right from the start 哦,对了,从一开始

Both of us were changed 我们俩都被改变

Watchin’ love grow a little more each day 每天凝视着“成长的爱多一点


If I could show you everything I’ve ever learned 如果我能告诉你一切我所学到

I’d start with love 我会从爱

Sum life’s meaning up into just one word 森生命的意义成一个词

I’d start with love 我会从爱


Oh and this can be a complicated life 呵呵,这可能是一个复杂的生命

But I’ve seen how everything will turn out right 但我已经看到了如何一切都会变成正确

When you start with love 当你开始有爱


It’s the ABC’s and then 1 2 3 这是农行的,然后1 2 3

and daddy play with me right now 爸爸跟我玩,现在

all these tiny things they add up pretty big 他们增加了相当大的这些微小的东西

and that’s got me thinkin’ about how life’s too short 这就是让我想的生活多么苦短

and how I wish time would slow down 我多么希望时间会变慢


If I could show you everything I’ve ever learned 如果我能告诉你一切我所学到

I’d start with love 我会从爱

Sum life’s meaning up into just one word 森生命的意义成一个词

I’d start with love 我会从爱


Oh and this can be a complicated life 呵呵,这可能是一个复杂的生命

But I’ve seen how everything will turn out right 但我已经看到了如何一切都会变成正确

When you start with love 当你开始有爱

and the storms may come and the winds may blow 而可能来临的暴风雪和大风可能会吹

but if you’ll just remember this it’s all you’ll need to know 但如果你只记住这是所有你需要知道的

歌词 Start With Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/start-with-love/