歌词 "Starrider" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I stole a ride on a passing star 我偷乘坐路过的恒星

Not knowing where I was going 不知道我要去哪里

How near or how far 如何接近或多远

Through years of light, lands of future and past 未来与过去通过多年的光,土地

Until the heavenly gates 直到天上的门

Were sighted at last 被看见在最后


Starrider, rider, rider Starrider ,骑手,骑手

Take me to the stars 带我去的明星

Starrider, rider, rider Starrider ,骑手,骑手

Show me where you are 告诉我你在哪里


Northern lights flashed by 一晃而过北极光

And then they were gone 然后他们走了

And as old stars would die 和老恒星会死

So the new ones were born 因此,新的诞生


And ever on I sailed 和以往的I航行

Celestial ways 天体的方法

And in the light of my years 而在我多年的光

Shone the rest of my days 照我的余生


Speed increasing 增速

All control is in the hands of those who know 所有的控制是在人的手,谁知道

Will they help us grow 他们会帮助我们成长

To one day be starriders 有一天starriders


Starrider, rider, rider Starrider ,骑手,骑手

Show me where you are 告诉我你在哪里

Starrider, rider, rider Starrider ,骑手,骑手

Take me to the stars 带我去的明星


Speed increasing 增速

All control is in the hands of those who know 所有的控制是在人的手,谁知道

Will they help us grow 他们会帮助我们成长

To one day be starriders 有一天starriders

歌词 Starrider 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/starrider/

歌词 Starrider 的作者与版权信息:


Alan Greenwood, Michael L. Jones


Somerset Songs Publishing Inc.