歌词 "Stand Back Up" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Stand Back Up



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Go ahead and take your best shot, 来吧,把你最好的拍摄,

Let 'er rip, give it all you've got, 让“呃裂口,给它你会得到,

I'm laid out on the floor, but I've been here before, 我制定了地板上,但我以前来过这里,

I may stumble, yeah I might fall, 我可能跌倒,是的,我可能会下降,

Only human aren't we all? 只有人是不是大家都?

I might lose my way, but hear me when I say, 我可能会失去我的方式,但听到我说的话,


I will stand back up, 我会站在回来了,

You'll know just the moment when I've had enough, 你会知道,就在那一刻,我已经受够了,

Sometimes I'm afraid, and I don't feel that tough, 有时我很害怕,我不觉得艰难,

But I'll stand back up, 不过,我会站在回来了,


I've been beaten up and bruised, 我已经打起来,伤痕累累,

I've been kicked right off my shoes, 我一直在踢右了我的鞋,

Been down on my knees more times than you'd believe, 一直对我的膝盖更多的时间比你会相信,

When the darkness tries to get me, 当黑暗试图得到我,

There's a light that just won't let me, 还有的认为是不会让我的光,

It might take my pride, and my tears may fill my eyes, 这可能需要我的骄傲,我的眼泪可以填满我的眼睛,

But I'll stand back up, 不过,我会站在回来了,


I've weathered all these storms, 我已经度过这些风暴,

But I just turn them into wind, so I can fly, 但我只是把他们变成风,所以我能飞,

What don't kill you makes you stronger, 不杀你,使你更坚强,

When I take my last breath, 当我把我的最后一口气,

That's when I'll just give up, 这时候,我就放弃了,


So, go ahead and take your best shot, 因此,继续前进,把你最好的拍摄,

Let 'er rip, give it all you've got, 让“呃裂口,给它你会得到,

You might win this round but you can't keep me down, 你可能会赢得这一轮,但你不能让我失望,


'Cause I'll stand back up, 因为我会站在回来了,

And you'll know just the moment when I've had enough, 你就会知道刚刚那一刻,我已经受够了,

Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough, 有时我很害怕,我不觉得艰难,

But I'll stand back up, 不过,我会站在回来了,


You'll know just the moment when I've had enough, 你会知道,就在那一刻,我已经受够了,

Sometimes I'm afraid and I don't feel that tough, 有时我很害怕,我不觉得艰难,

But I'll stand back up. 不过,我会站在回来了。

歌词 Stand Back Up 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/stand-back-up/