歌词 "Spread Eagle Cross The Block" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Spread Eagle Cross The Block



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I fuck the music 我他妈的音乐

I make it cum 我让暨

I fuck the music with my serpent tongue 我他妈的的音乐和我的蛇的舌头


Wanna beer, have no fear, comes and goes, man its here 想要啤酒,毫不畏惧,来了又走,这里的男人

No one knows, feels so weird, when it blows through my bones 没有人知道,感觉很奇怪,当它吹过我的骨头

I got a jones for it 我有一个奇兵吧

I wanna know more, cuz its bout what I got to show for it 我想知道更多的辩论,因为它的回合我得给它


I want some more of it 我想多一些吧

I want too much 我想太多了

I got so bored with it 我有这么无聊吧

I shot it up 我拍起来

Wanna light my torch with it and get all fucked up 想点燃我的火把它,让所有性交


What is it, where is it 这是什么,它在哪里

How will it affect me 这将如何影响我

Fuck that shit, I need that shits bound to be the death of me 他妈的狗屎,我需要一个妈注定是我的死亡

Fuck buying it I'm taking it, and sharing it with nobody 他妈的买它,我把它,并与人分享它


Cuz all I really need is some cool shit to mob 所有的Cuz我真正需要的是一些很酷的狗屎暴徒

Like driving down the street to the beat of a blow job 喜欢开车在街上给打击工作的节拍


I own that shit 我自己的那些事

On some throw back shit 在一些扔狗屎回来

You already know that shit 你已经知道的那些事

You even know 'bout how I know the man 你甚至不知道什么我怎么知道这个人

Who grows that, bitch … 谁长了,婊子......


You can't buy it with your money 你不能用你的钱,买它

You can't find it overseas 你无法找到它的海外

Its one of those things that seems outlandish 它的那些东西,看起来古怪1

Til you have it's not a dream 直到你拥有了它不是一个梦

As for me, I'm cool with it 至于我,我是酷吧

And that's alright cuz it's my thing. 那是正常的因为真的是我的事。


Work that angle til its beveled 工作的角度直到其斜面

Curve of the blade doubled 叶片的曲线一倍

Edge made to bleed the struggle 边做流血的斗争

Best believe the game's a hustle. 最好相信游戏是一个喧嚣。

Observer of the strange occurrences 怪出现的观察者

Conjurer of the subtle 微妙的咒术师

Unseen but felt disturbances 看不见的,但感觉障碍

That burst a bitches bubble 这爆母狗泡沫


That’s right it's all mine 这是正确的它的所有地雷

It’s all mine never was yours 它全是我永远是你的

Like how you wait in line 就像你在怎么行等待

While I walk straight through the door 当我走直通大门

(straight through the...) (直通...)

Hear you say something 听你说什么

But ain't nothing – spectators ignored 但也并非一无是处 - 观众忽略

Pay no mind to that chump's 付出没有心思去那笨蛋的

Just a player hatin whore 只是一个球员hatin妓女


I fuck the music 我他妈的音乐

I make it cum 我让暨

I fuck the music with my serpent tongue 我他妈的的音乐和我的蛇的舌头


Ain’t no fun if the aliens can't have none 不是没有,如果外星人不能没有乐趣


How I fuck it dirty 我怎么他妈的脏

How I make it twitch and scream 我该如何使它抽搐,尖叫

How it screams oh baby hurt me 它是如何尖叫哦,宝贝伤害我

Work me to the bone oh please 我工作到骨头哦,请

How I bend the rhythm over 对我怎么弯的节奏

And hit, hit, hit it on my knees 而打,打,打它我的膝盖

Give, give, give it up 给,给,给它

I need it all the time 我需要这一切的时候

Bleed it on the drop of a dime – down to pound it til it shines 流血是一毛钱的下降 - 下降砸向它直到它的光芒

Moonlit lake of blood red wine 血红酒月光下的湖水

Make no mistake, I makes it mine 请不要误会,我使矿


Break shit down and make it grind 打破狗屎下来,使它磨

To the groove used to align 到用于对准槽

The cascading shades of jaded blues with these rhymes 疲惫的布鲁斯与这些押韵的级联阴影

Nuclear steeze creeps and winds 核steeze小兵和大风

Through secrets behind and between 通过背后的秘密

Every time I scream 我每次尖叫


Shit is mine 妈是我的

Its all mine 它的所有地雷

All the time 所有的时间

Shit is mine 妈是我的


What is it, where is it, how will it affect me 这是什么,它在哪里,怎么会影响到我

Fuck that shit I need that shit 他妈的狗屎,我需要的那些事


Thought you knew, thought you thought 还以为你知道了,还以为你想

Thought you did but did not 还以为你没有,但没有

Come on through what you got 来吧,通过你得到了什么

Is it cool is it hot? 它是凉是热的?


Check one two, man don't stop 检查一二,男人不停止

I'm not through black blood clot 我不是通过黑色血块

In my view like that twat 在我看来,这样的娘们

Spread eagle cross the block 撒鹰穿越块


Need no ego to rock 不需要自我摇滚

What we know just gets dropped 我们知道怎么被丢弃

How we keep shit on lock 我们如何保持狗屎锁


Cuz all I really need is some cool shit to mod 所有的Cuz我真正需要的是一些很酷的狗屎国防部

Like driving down the street to the beat of a blow job 喜欢开车在街上给打击工作的节拍


Shit is mine 妈是我的

Its all mine 它的所有地雷

All the time 所有的时间

Shit is mine 妈是我的

歌词 Spread Eagle Cross The Block 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/spread-eagle-cross-the-block/