歌词 "Spaceage Sacrifice" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Spaceage Sacrifice



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

He was a good man, he meant no harm. 他是个好人,他没有恶意。

A victim of life, possessor of charm. 受害人的生活,魅力养着。

In a time when no man 在的时候,没有人

Could just do alright and get by. 可能只是做正常的,并得到通过。

To make way for the new the old had to die 让位给新老都得死

The old had to die - it was crazy. 老不得不死 - 这是疯了。

They needed a change - no man would try. 他们需要一个变化 - 没有人会尝试。

He did understand, but he didn't know why, no. 他确实不懂,但他不知道为什么,没有。

So he left himself in the hands of the power 于是,他离开了自己的权力之手

And locked up his questions in the people's tower 并锁定了他在人民大厦的问题

The people's tower. He was crazy. 人们的塔。他疯了。

Don't think twice - spaceage sacrifice 不要三思而后行 - spaceage牺牲

Well, let's go back when it all was starting 好吧,让我们回到当这一切已开始

A man on the moon and people were starving. 在月球上,人们有一个人在挨饿。

Everyone knew, but most didn't care. 每个人都知道,但大多数没有在意。

Well, everyone thought they were going somewhere 好了,大家都以为他们是去什么地方

They were going somewhere 他们去的地方

There was nowhere, it was nowhere! 这里是行不通的,这是行不通!

Don't think twice - spaceage sacrifice 不要三思而后行 - spaceage牺牲

It was a spaceage sacrifice. 这是一个spaceage牺牲。

歌词 Spaceage Sacrifice 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/spaceage-sacrifice/