歌词 "Souring" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Daylight mornings creeping in had the blackest bream 白天上午匍匐在了最黑暗的鳊鱼

are you souring 你发酸

and i dreamt that i wiped all the blood from your eyes 我梦见我擦去所有的血液从你的眼睛

woke up thinking i love you 醒来的时候我以为我爱你

but i cant say why 但我不能说,为什么

so please leave your fucking money at the door 所以请留下你他妈的钱在门口

condede you know youll be coming back for more condede你知道你会回来的更多

were all looking for gold here midnight and you inch along 都在寻找午夜金在这里和你一起英寸

devils in the backyard now where it all went wrong 在后院鬼子现在在那里一切都变了

and i drinik myself sick so i wont see you crawl 我drinik自己生病了,所以我不会见你爬

guess i drained all your beauty to watch you dissolve 猜猜我耗尽你所有的美丽,看你化解

so drink myself sick so i wont see you crawl 所以喝自己生病了,所以我不会见你爬

guess i dreained all youre beauty to watch you dissolve 猜猜我dreained所有美丽的youre看你化解

so please leave you fucking money at the door 所以请留下你在门口他妈的钱

concede you know youll be coming back for more 承认你知道你会回来的更多

were all looking for gold here and i hate that i need you 都在寻找金在这里,我恨,我需要你

and i dont know why 我不知道为什么

and i hate that i need 我恨,我需要

and i dont know why 我不知道为什么

so please 所以请

leave your fucking money at the door 离开你他妈的钱在门口

concede you know youll be coming back for more 承认你知道你会回来的更多

were all looking for gold here 都在寻找黄金位置

歌词 Souring 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/souring/