歌词 "Sophisticated Lady" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Sophisticated Lady



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They say into your early life romance came 他们说,到你的早期生活的浪漫来了

And in this heart of yours burned a flame 而在这属于你的心脏燃烧的火焰

A flame that flickered one day and died away 那闪烁一天,消失了火焰

Then, with disillusion deep in your eyes 然后,幻灭深在你的眼睛

You learned that fools in love soon grow wise 你学会了在爱情傻瓜很快成长智慧

The years have changed you, somehow 岁月改变了你,不知何故

I see you now 我现在看到你


Smoking, drinking, never thinking of tomorrow, nonchalant 抽烟,喝酒,从来不想着明天的,满不在乎

Diamonds shining, dancing, dining with some man in a restaurant 钻石闪耀,跳舞,一些人在餐厅用餐

Is that all you really want? 那是你真正想要的吗?

No, sophisticated lady, 不,精致的女士,

I know, you miss the love you lost long ago 我知道,你想你早已失去了爱情

And when nobody is nigh you cry 而当没有人在附近,你哭


Smoking, drinking, never thinking of tomorrow, nonchalant 抽烟,喝酒,从来不想着明天的,满不在乎

Diamonds shining, dancing, dining with some man in a restaurant 钻石闪耀,跳舞,一些人在餐厅用餐

Is that all you really want? 那是你真正想要的吗?

No, sophisticated lady, 不,精致的女士,

I know, you miss the love you lost long ago 我知道,你想你早已失去了爱情

And when nobody is nigh you cry 而当没有人在附近,你哭


Sophisticated lady 精致淑女

You cry 你哭

歌词 Sophisticated Lady 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sophisticated-lady/

歌词 Sophisticated Lady 的作者与版权信息:


Edward Ellington, Edward Kennedy Ellington, Duke Ellington, Mitchell Parish, Irving Mills


Gotham-music-service, Sony/ATV Harmony, Gotham Music Service Inc.