歌词 "Song Of Our So-Called Friend" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Song Of Our So-Called Friend



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Remember when our so-called friend would not call out to you 记住,当我们所谓的朋友也不会出给您

while tumbling loosely out a hole punched through your home? 而翻滚松散了一个洞,通过你的家打了个?

It's pretty clear, though you could hear, you truly finally knew, 这是很清楚的,虽然你能听到,你真的终于知道,

in time, he'd tell his tale the way he'd like it told. 假以时日,他会告诉他的故事,他会喜欢的方式告知。

Now he isn't on the phone, and his story might as well be so. 现在他在电话里没有了,他的故事很可能会成为左右。

Well, loving is as loving does, 那么,爱是因为爱的存在,

and I'd say we should know, because we both have loved, have lost, and are alone. 我想说,我们应该知道,因为我们都曾经爱过,失去了,而且孤独。

Your face's falling tears, to me they're lovely and they're dear, 你的脸的掉下了眼泪,对我来说他们是可爱的,他们亲爱的,

though you don't love me and it's clear that I will never see you in my arms. 虽然你不爱我,很明显,我将永远不会看到你在我的怀里。

There's no room in your heart for even this finely-sharpened dart; 有没有房间,你的心脏,即使这种精细锐化镖;

although I had started to think there might be hope, it isn't so. 虽然我已开始觉得可能是希望,不是这样。

So wake up, make up some new song again around the same tune. 所以醒来,做了一些新的歌曲再次在同样的调子。

The water cools, the leaves they fall, the sun it bends, the summer ends; 水变凉,人跌倒,就弯曲了太阳,夏天结束的叶子;

our so-called friend doesn't need you. So proceed out the door and down the street. 我们所谓的朋友不需要你。所以请出了门,在街上。

December's lying near, but in the oven's heat this house is now a home. 12月份的近说谎,但在烤箱的热度这房子现在是一个家。

Sixty days of trips and stays you took to tell me, dear, 六十天的旅行,并保持你把告诉我,亲爱的,

that you cannot love me because you secretly still love a stone. 你可以不爱我,因为你偷偷还爱石头。

Although I put my lips to your face, trying to push his kiss out of its place, 虽然我把我的嘴唇,你的脸,试图把他的吻了它的地方,

although my heart started to race, now it has slowed, I'll let it go. 虽然我的心脏开始比赛,现在它已经放缓,我就让他走了。

歌词 Song Of Our So-Called Friend 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/song-of-our-so-called-friend/