歌词 "Soldier In The Rain" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Soldier In The Rain



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Young lonesome soldier, sleeping in the rain 年轻寂寞的战士,睡在雨中

Far from home 远离家乡

Half a child, half a hero 半个孩子,一半是英雄

Tossed by the times, caught in the winds 被时代抛,夹在风


Dream, lonesome soldier, weary of the rain 梦,寂寞的战士,厌倦了雨

Dream of home 梦想的家

Someone's son, someone's lover 某人的儿子,某人的情人

Dream that you're someday child 梦想,你有一天孩子

Who never knows the rain 谁也不知道雨


Half a child, half a hero 半个孩子,一半是英雄

Tossed by the times, caught in the winds 被时代抛,夹在风


Someone's son, someone's lover 某人的儿子,某人的情人

Dream that you're someday child 梦想,你有一天孩子

Who never knows the rain 谁也不知道雨

歌词 Soldier In The Rain 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/soldier-in-the-rain/