歌词 "Small World" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Small World



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I sat and watched the crowds in London 我坐在伦敦,看着人群

I know each road by name 我知道,每条道路的名字

Today the streets are cold and empty 如今满街都是冷空

Cos no one likes the rain COS没有人喜欢在雨中


I soon lost count of all the cars 我很快就失去了所有的汽车数量

That burned so bright outside the bars 该酒吧外面烧那么亮

Deserted streets, and burning shells 冷清的街道,烧贝壳

Familiar shops I know so well 熟悉的店,我知道这么好


Today the birds no longer twitter 今天的鸟类不再叽叽喳喳

The words don't make it true 这句话并不表示它是真的

When there's no line I'm up the junction 如果没有行我起来的交界处

I can't be there with you 我不能和你在一起


I've always got a magic line 我一直有一个魔线

That I tap into any time 我挖掘到任何时间

I watch the world by day and night í ,日夜看世界

It's very close, but out of sight 这是非常接近的,但淡出人们的视线


Small world 小世界

Spent together 一起度过

Spent in wonder 花了奇迹

Linked forever 永远联系在一起


The words were out, and spread like fires 话已出口,并波及像火

From good to bad, habitual liars 从好到坏,习惯性说谎者


The drama queens rejoice again 本剧皇后又欢喜

Until the next time, who knows when? 直到下一次,谁知道什么时候呢?


We could be miles apart forever 我们可能是十万八千里永远

But we are somehow here together 但我们不知怎么在这里一起

The world is always talking somewhere 这个世界总是说话的地方

And we can choose or not to be there 我们可以选择要不要在那里

歌词 Small World 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/small-world-4/