歌词 "Slut" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BIG STAR

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

See that girl, watch her dance 看看这个女孩,看她的舞蹈

If I knew her name I wouldn't have to sit on my hands 如果我知道她的名字,我就不会坐在我的手

If my mouth don't work I get some help 如果我的嘴不工作,我得到一些帮助

And she don't mind if I don't keep my hands to myself 她不介意,如果我不遵守我的手对我自己


You're all right 你没事

You put up such a good clean fight 你把这么好的一个干净的战斗

I'm afraid that you lose tonight 我怕你今晚输

S-L-U-T S-L -U -T

She may be a slut but she looks good to me 她可能是一个荡妇,但她对我来说很好


You're so clean, so refined 你是那么的干净,做精

You don't care to get messy just to have a good time 你不小心让凌乱只是为了有一个良好的时间

She's got saggy thighs and baggy eyes 她有下垂的大腿和眼皮浮肿

But she loves me in a way I can still recognize 但是,她爱我的方式我还是能识别

歌词 Slut 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/slut/