歌词 "Sin-Cinderella" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She's pristine, intellectual and verbal 她质朴,智力和语言

Every dad's living dream 每一个爸爸的生活梦想

Upper class behaviour is in her genes 上层阶级的行为是在她的基因


She is smart she's manipulative and gorgeous 她很聪明,她的操控性和华丽

At prom she was crowned as a queen 在舞会,她被加冕为女王

But she never takes you behind the scenes.. 但她从来没有把你幕后..


She's like a 她就像一个

Sin - Cinderella 仙 - 灰姑娘

Choked by the world she's in 由世界她在哽咽

Sin - Cinderella 仙 - 灰姑娘

Surving on vitamins Surving的维生素

Sin - Cinderella 仙 - 灰姑娘

An angel throughout the day 全天的天使

But in the nighttime 但是,在夜间

Her glory just flies away 她的荣耀只飞走了


She is cool, a sophisticated actress 她是很酷的,复杂的女星

Playing herself on the screen 玩自己在屏幕上

Though her smile is sweet her thoughts are obscene 虽然她的笑容甜美的她的想法是猥亵


Pure as white, goes to bed thought it's still early 纯净的白,上床以为时间还早

Kisses her father goodnight 亲吻她的父亲晚安

Then she's turning on her working light.... 然后,她打开她的工作灯....


She's like a ..... 她就像一个.....


In the night, if you spot a blue light window 在夜间,如果你发现一个蓝色的光窗

It could be a new tv-set. 这可能是一个新的电视机。

Or is someone making friends on the net.. ? 或者有人会友在网上..?


She's a like.... 她是一个喜欢....

歌词 Sin-Cinderella 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sin-cinderella/