歌词 "Simple Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Simple Song



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's a simple song for simple feeling 这是一个简单的歌简单的感觉

You see the moon and watch it rise 你看月亮,看着它上涨

Across the continent the night bird sings 整个非洲大陆的夜莺唱

And somewhere someone hears its cry 在某处有人听到它的叫声


So disillusioned 因此幻灭

Keep your head down 保持你的头

If you do they'll never know 如果你这样做,他们永远不知道

You'll have no answers to their questions 你不会有任何问题的答案

And they will have to let you go 他们将不得不让你走


And disenfranchised 和被剥夺公民权

Revolution 革命

They'll take away by right what's yours 他们会通过正确的什么是你带走

And make you martyrs of your own cause 让你的自己的事业烈士

When they don't know what cause it's for 当他们不知道是什么原因,而是为


And all deserted 和所有的冷清

Stand alerted 站在警告

They'll love you when you're all alone 他们会爱你,当你独自一人

But you find a red rose in the morning light 但是,你会发现一个红色的玫瑰在清晨的阳光

You wait the night and find it gone 你等着晚上,发现它不见了


So hear my words with faith and passion 所以听我的话,信心和激情

For what I say to you is true 对于我你说的是真的

And when you find the one you might become 当你找到了,你有可能成为

Remember part of me is you 记住我的部分是你

歌词 Simple Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/simple-song-5/

歌词 Simple Song 的作者与版权信息:


Lyle Pearce Lovett, Lyle Lovett


Michael H. Goldsen Inc., Michael H Goldsen Inc., Lyle Lovett, Michael H Goldsen Inc. O.B.O. Lyle Lovett