歌词 "Simple Lessons" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Simple Lessons



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sounds to be where, you want to scream 听起来是在哪里,你想尖叫

Always left without, saying hello 始终没有离开,打招呼

I've seen chains that bear less, snap and fall long before you let go 我见过承担更少的链条,捕捉和秋天长你放手前

Times run over you sink onto my floor, 次碾过你沉到我的地板上,

It's ok, we've cleaned them many times before 这没关系,我们之前清洗他们很多次

Simple lessons are, simple lessons are, simple lessons are, 简单的教训是,简单的教训是,简单的教训,

Simple lessons are, simple... 简单的教训是,简单的...

Sounds might be where, yeah I want to cry 声音可能是在那里,是的,我想哭

Always left before, I said hello 永远离开之前,我说你好

He's had days where shades of brilliance, never granted him space 他有天在哪里辉煌的色调,从来没有给予他空间

Green shades of painful rains, it's ok, they'll wash away now 痛苦的降雨深浅不一的绿色,它的确定,现在他们会洗去

Simple lessons are, simple lessons are, simple lessons are, 简单的教训是,简单的教训是,简单的教训,

Simple lessons are, simple... 简单的教训是,简单的...

Always taught you how, drain yourself empty 总是教你怎么样,你自己漏空

Always taught you how, drain yourself empty 总是教你怎么样,你自己漏空

We're all scarred up from ages of childish games 我们都来自不同年龄的幼稚游戏了伤痕累累

Yet I've never seen your head up higher 不过,我从来没有见过你的头高

It feels real this time, I see you happy again 感觉真正的这个时候,我又看到你开心

Reel in it for a while, oh enough to take my place 卷在这一段时间,哦,足以接替我的位置

Sounds to be where, you want to scream 听起来是在哪里,你想尖叫

Always left without, saying hello 始终没有离开,打招呼

I've seen chains that bear less, snap and fall long before you, 我见过承担更少的链条,弹簧和倒在你们长,

Long before you let go 你放手很久以前

歌词 Simple Lessons 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/simple-lessons/

歌词 Simple Lessons 的作者与版权信息:


Kevin Colin Martin, Scott Mercado, Peter Andrew Klett


WB Music Corp.