歌词 "Show Us Some Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Show Us Some Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Girl I can't be riding like this no more 女孩,我不能骑这样的不多

Shorty you & me we totally grown 矮个子,你和我,我们共成长

I'm down there be a Saturday night 我倒有一个周六的晚上


Boy I can't even front like I don't 男孩,我什至不能像前面我不

Feel your dees in the side of my bone 感觉你的德什在我的骨侧

And the chemistry is bumpin 和化学过程bumpin

If we started talkin 如果我们开始说话

I can see us poppin 我可以看到我们屁股


Baby I need a special friend 宝贝,我需要一个特别的朋友

Now baby I need a special friend 现在,宝贝,我需要一个特别的朋友

There's something bout this that feels so right 有什么东西回合如此,感觉真不错


Baby, I already understand that I can't be 亲爱的,我已经明白,我不能

Number one in your place and it kills me 一把手在你的地方,它杀死了我

Cause u got everything I like 因为你在得到的一切,我喜欢

And I just wanna show you some love 我只是想告诉你一些爱

Baby, I already understand that I can't be 亲爱的,我已经明白,我不能

Number one in your place and it kills me 一把手在你的地方,它杀死了我

Cause u got everything I like 因为你在得到的一切,我喜欢

And I just wanna show you some love 我只是想告诉你一些爱


Boy those school volleys got your body so nice 男孩的学校截击得到你的身体这么好

The school volley got us puffing it right 学校大力抽射把我们喘气是正确的

But we can't even hold on hands 但是,我们甚至不能坚持手中

And I'm only shopping 而我只购

Out jewelery hopping 出珠宝跳频


Girl we can get up out of here if u wanna be alone 女孩,我们可以起身离开这里,如果u想独处

Your calling right now so turn off your phone 您的电话现在这样关掉你的手机

If it feels this right 如果感觉这个权利

I coulda been wrong 我本可以是错误的


Cause I wanna be your man 因为我想成为你的男人

But I already got a man 不过,我已经得到了一个男人

Cause you know I've been waiting so long 因为你知道,我一直在等待这么久

(so long...) (这么久...)


Baby, I already understand that I can't be 亲爱的,我已经明白,我不能

Number one in your place and it kills me 一把手在你的地方,它杀死了我

Cause you got everything I like 因为你得到的一切,我喜欢

And I just wanna show you some love 我只是想告诉你一些爱

Baby, I already understand that I can't be 亲爱的,我已经明白,我不能

Number one in your place and it kills me 一把手在你的地方,它杀死了我

Cause you got everything I like 因为你得到的一切,我喜欢

And I just wanna show you some love 我只是想告诉你一些爱


[Rap:] [说唱: ]

Damn I'm slick 妈的,我滑头

The Aussie fresh to the kicks 澳元新鲜的踢

Just hop in when I pull up in a whip 刚跳时,我拉起来的鞭子

Sweet game thick 甜稠的游戏

Break it down like bricks 打破它像砖头

Caramel skin 佳美护肤

You remind me of a twix 你提醒TWIX的我

So I'm trying to get you caught up in the mix 所以我试图让你在搭配赶上

The way you lick your lips 你舔你的嘴唇的方法

Got me harder then the brick 让我更加努力,然后砖

We can pop a bottle 我们可以弹出一个瓶子

Your a model type of chick 你的模型小妞类型

Damn right got you all on ma dick 该死的把你所有的马鸡巴


Now I sludge hit her with the game 现在我的污泥打她的游戏

Yeah I'm telling her I'm feeling it the same 是的,我要告诉她我感觉它同

But I'm only saying it to get up in her brain 但我只是说它起床在她的大脑

Girl I guarantee to get you wetter then the rain 女孩,我保证让你那么多雨雨

First stroke now you calling my name 第一次中风,现在你叫我的名字

Second stroke now you going insane 第二次中风,现在你要疯了

Third stroke now you feeling my pain 第三个行程,现在你感觉我的痛

Damn right got you feeling my pain 该死的权利得到你感觉我的痛


Gangster rap 说唱大佬

She know that 她知道,

Married to the game 结婚的游戏

And I can't go back 我不能回去

She keep telling me to give it to her fast 她都跟我把它给她快

But I'm telling her slow it down before I break her back 但是我告诉她慢下来之前,我打破她的背

Got her legs vibrating 得到了她的双腿振动

Ain't no way she faking that 也不是没有办法,她伪造了

We both know it's wrong 我们都知道这是错的

But daddy bone is over that 但是爸爸骨头已经结束了


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Show Us Some Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/show-us-some-love/