歌词 "She Won't Last" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

She Won't Last



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She's waiting to fall apart 她等待着分崩离析

Blind to how bad things are 盲目多么糟糕的事情是

And I know now 我现在才知道

She won't last 她不会持续

She's got everything 她得到的一切

But she won't last 但她不会持续


Fighting herself again 再斗自己

Pushed aside her closest friends 推开她最亲密的朋友

And they know now 他们现在知道


She won't last 她不会持续

She come to the end of the road 她走到路的尽头

I know that's just the way these things go 我知道这只是顺便这些东西去

Now I know better 现在我更清楚


Days melt like candle wax 天融像蜡烛

She says that she'll be right back 她说,她马上就回来

It's all so sad 这一切都太难过

She won't last 她不会持续

See her falling down 看到她倒下


She won't last 她不会持续

She come to the end of the road 她走到路的尽头

I know that's just the way these things go 我知道这只是顺便这些东西去

Now I know better 现在我更清楚

Just one of those things 这些东西只是一个

Another bleeding bird in love with her broken wings 另一种出血鸟爱上了她折断了翅膀

I know that's just the way these things go 我知道这只是顺便这些东西去

Now I know better 现在我更清楚


She won't last 她不会持续

She come to the end of the road 她走到路的尽头

I know that's just the way these things go 我知道这只是顺便这些东西去

Now I know better 现在我更清楚

Just one of those things 这些东西只是一个

Another bleeding bird in love with her broken wings 另一种出血鸟爱上了她折断了翅膀

I know 我知道

Yes I know 是的,我知道

I'm no better 我没有更好的

I'm no better 我没有更好的

Yeah I'm no better 是的,我没有更好的

I know... 我知道...

歌词 She Won't Last 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/she-won_t-last/