歌词 "She Stabs" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

She Stabs



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I am on the brink of losing everything 我就失去一切的边缘

hanging on the edge of every word she says 挂在每一个字的边缘,她说:

and you were never there 你从未有

you were never there 你永远不会有


she stabs deep into me 她深深刺到了我

am I too blind to see what this has done to me 我是太盲目,看看这对我做的

she stabs deep into me 她深深刺到了我

am I too numb to feel this anymore 现在我也麻木了感觉这


you were the one who could save me 你是一个谁可以救我

you were the one who abandoned me 你是谁抛弃了我一个


I am patiently waiting here to see 我耐心地等待着这里查看

which of us survives 其中我们的生存

when all of this collides with reality 当这一切发生碰撞现实


she stabs deep into me 她深深刺到了我

am I too blind to see what this has done to me 我是太盲目,看看这对我做的

she stabs deep into me 她深深刺到了我

am I too numb to feel this anymore 现在我也麻木了感觉这


you were never there. 你永远在那里。

歌词 She Stabs 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/she-stabs/