歌词 "She Really Wants You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

She Really Wants You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sitting in your father's basement 坐在你父亲的地下室

Waiting for the phone to ring 等待电话铃响

Still in your pajamas, baby 仍然在你的睡衣,婴儿

She made up some excuse to see you 她做了一些借口来见你

You said you didn't feel a thing 你说你没感觉的事情

Tired of all the dramas, maybe 厌倦了所有的戏剧,也许

But still 但仍

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

The moment you know 你知道的那一刻

I'm sure you'd come running, baby 我相信你一定会来的运行,宝贝

Sure 确定

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

That she really wants you 她真的想你

Packing up your old apartment 收拾旧公寓

Sealing up another box 查封另一个盒子

Wondering what made you choose her 想知道是什么让你选择了她

And moving house when you're a stoner 而搬家的时候你是一个斯托纳

Everything you come across 所有你遇到

Makes you feel like such a loser 让你觉得这样的失败者

But still 但仍

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

The moment you know 你知道的那一刻

I'm sure you'd come running, baby 我相信你一定会来的运行,宝贝

Sure 确定

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

That she really wants you 她真的想你

'Cause the stray that you found 因为,那你找到了流浪

That looked so cute at the pound 这看起来太可爱了,在英镑

Now has you putting her down as rabid 现在你已经把她放下的狂热

If it was badder than bad 如果它是不是坏巴德

Well, then – you oughta be glad 好吧,那么 - 你现在应该很高兴

You can break it like another habit 你可以把它像另一种习惯

But still 但仍

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

The moment you know 你知道的那一刻

I'm sure you'd come running, baby 我相信你一定会来的运行,宝贝

Sure 确定

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

That she really wants you 她真的想你

Oh, sure 哦,当然

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

The moment you know 你知道的那一刻

I'm sure you'd come running, baby 我相信你一定会来的运行,宝贝

Sure 确定

The moment you hear 你听到的那一刻

That she really wants you 她真的想你

歌词 She Really Wants You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/she-really-wants-you/