歌词 "She Knows When You're On My Mind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

She Knows When You're On My Mind



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She knows she's holdin' someone who don't love her 她知道她牵着一个人谁都不爱她

She knows she's where you could have been 她知道,她就是你本来是

She knows I turn to her because you turned me down 她知道我转向她,因为你拒绝了我

And she knows when you're on my mind again 她知道,当你在我心中再


Every night she opens up the door to heaven 每天晚上,她打开了房门天堂

But when you're on my mind I can't go in 但是,当你在我心中,我不能去

And you come runnin' through my mind and I let my memory chase you 而你飞奔而来,通过我的心灵,我让我的记忆追你

She knows when you're on my mind again 她知道,当你在我心中再


Sometimes late at night I hear her crying 有时深夜我听到她的哭声

She turns to me but you won't let her in 她转向我,但你不会让她在

She knows the door is locked but she keeps trying 她知道门是锁着的,但她不断试图

She knows when you're on my mind again 她知道,当你在我心中再


Every night she opens up the door to heaven 每天晚上,她打开了房门天堂

But when you're on my mind I can't go in 但是,当你在我心中,我不能去

And you come runnin' through my mind and I let my memory chase you 而你飞奔而来,通过我的心灵,我让我的记忆追你

She knows when you're on my mind again 她知道,当你在我心中再

歌词 She Knows When You're On My Mind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/she-knows-when-you_re-on-my-mind/