歌词 "Shah Shah A Go Go" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Shah Shah A Go Go



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Did you hear about the man 你听说过这个人

Used to live out in Iran 以前住在伊朗

He was luxury's greatest fan 他是奢侈品最大的风机

People ate out of his hand 人吃了他的手

People ate out of his hand 人吃了他的手


Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走


Sold the English all their oil 销往英国所有的油

Made the people work the soil 做群众工作的土壤

Thought his kind had got it made 认为他的那种已经得到了它制成

But his kind just had to pay to fade 但他的那种只是不得不付出褪色

But his kind just had to fade 但他的那种刚刚淡出


Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走


Then a priest in Paris France 在法国巴黎,然后牧师

Made the people get up and da da dance 使百姓起床,哒哒舞

Sold cassettes for 60p. 录像带卖给了60便士。

Said he'd set the people free 说他会设置自由人

We shall see we shall see 我们将看到我们将要看到


Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走


Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

Shah shah a go go 沙阿国王一去走

歌词 Shah Shah A Go Go 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/shah-shah-a-go-go/