歌词 "Shade Of All Greens" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Shade Of All Greens


歌词相关歌手:CLARK, GUY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The blackbird she flies wherever she wants to 黑鸟她飞到哪里,她想

The mockingbird singin’, oh, any ol’ song 该只知更鸟在欢唱,呵呵,任何OL “歌曲

And the swallow she’s nestin’ in the rafters of my house 和燕子,她在我家的椽子巢“

Summer is coming and the geese are all gone 夏天来了,大雁都走了

You got to fly and let fly 你得飞,让飞行


Ah, the mower’s broke down and the yard’s run away with me 嗯,割草机坏了,院子里的跑开了我

I’ve taken to sittin’ and just watchin’ it grow 我已经采取了坐在 ,只是在看着它成长

And the rabbits are eatin’ like kings in the driveway 和兔子eatin就像在车道上国王

And I’ve just about found me no place to go 而且我只是找到了我没地方去

You’ve got to live and let live 你一定要活也让别人活


Come sit by my side in the shade of all greens 在所有的绿色的树荫来坐在我身边

It smells like the honeysuckle have gone to extremes 它闻起来像金银花已经到极限

And I’ve found a reason and you’ve made it rhyme 我已经找到了原因,并找到了韵

And we can go crazy, tomorrow’s just fine 我们可以去疯狂,明天就好了


I’m gonna sit on the front porch till the lightnin’ bugs show up 我的前廊要去坐,直到LIGHTNIN “的错误显示

And it really gets dark and there’s dogs in the trash 它真的天黑和有狗在垃圾桶

It's the first and the last time all rolled into this time 它是第一个和最后一个时间都卷成这个时间

You make me feel like I just took a bath 你让我觉得我只是洗了个澡

You got to laugh and let laugh 你得笑,让笑


Come sit by my side in the shade of all greens 在所有的绿色的树荫来坐在我身边

It smells like the honeysuckle have gone to extremes 它闻起来像金银花已经到极限

And I’ve found a reason and you’ve make it rhyme 我也找了个理由,你已经让它韵

And we can go laughin’ any old time 我们可以去嘲笑“任何旧时代

You got to love and let love 你有爱,让爱

And we can go lovin’ any ol’ time 我们可以去爱着任何醇时间

You got to fly and let fly 你得飞,让飞行

歌词 Shade Of All Greens 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/shade-of-all-greens/