歌词 "Send Me Your Money" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Send Me Your Money



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Mike Muir] [麦克·缪尔]


Lights, camera, silence on the set 灯光,摄像,沉默的集

Tape rolling, 3-2-1 action 带卷, 3-2-1行动

Welcome to the Church of Suicidal 欢迎光临自杀教堂

We'll have a sermon and a wonderful recital 我们将有一个布道和一个美妙的演奏会

But before we go on there's something I must mention 但在此之前,我们去那里的东西我一定要提

An important message I must bring to your attention 一个重要的信息,我必须提请你注意

I was in meditation and prayer last night 我是在冥想和祈祷昨晚

I was awakened by a shining bright light 我被惊醒闪着耀眼的光芒

Overhead a glorious spirit, he gave me a message and you all need to hear it 架空光荣的精神,他给我发短信,你都需要听到它

"Send me your money," that's what he said “给我你的钱,”这是他说的

He said to "Send me your money" 他说“给我你的钱”

Now if you can only send a dollar or two 现在,如果你只能发送一两美元

There ain't a hell of a lot I can promise to you 有没有很多的地狱,我可以向你承诺

But if you wants to see heaven's door 但是,如果你想看到天堂的大门

Make out a check for five hundreds or more 做了检查五百个以上

"Send me your money", do you hear what I said? “给我你的钱” ,你听到我说的吗?

"Send me your money" “给我你的钱”


Now give me some bass, um yea that's how he like it 现在给我一些低音,嗯是啊,这就是他喜欢

Now let's have some silence, for all you sinners 现在,让我们有一些沉默,对你的罪人

Now give me more bass, yea that was funky 现在给我更多的低音,是啊,那是质朴

Now take them on home Brother Clark, send me your money 现在带他们回家克拉克兄弟,给我你的钱

Here comes another con hiding behind a collar 这里谈到的另一个骗子躲在衣领背后

His only God is the almighty dollar 他唯一的上帝是万能的美元

He ain't no prophet, he ain't no healer 他不是没有先知,他是不是没有医治

He's just a two bit goddamn money stealer 他只是二位该死的钱窃取

Send me your money 给我你的钱

Send it, you got to send it 把它寄给你,你得把它

Send me your money 给我你的钱

You hear what I'm saying? 你听到我在说什么?

You got to send it, send it 你得给它,把它

Send me your money 给我你的钱


Now how much you give is your own choice 多少钱现在你给的是你自己的选择

But to me it is the difference between a Porsche and a Rolls Royce 但对我来说这是一个保时捷和劳斯莱斯之间的区别

I want you to make it hurt when you dig into your pocket 我要你做,当你深入到你的口袋里疼

Cause it makes me feel so good to watch my profits rocket 因为它让我感觉这么好看我的利润火箭


Send me your money 给我你的钱

Now dig in deep, dig real deep into your pocket 现在,深入挖掘,挖掘真正深入到你的口袋里

I want you to make it hurt! 我要你让它受伤了!

We'll take cash, we'll take checks 我们将采取现金,我们将检查

We'll take credit cards, we'll take jewelry 我们将采取信用卡,我们将珠宝

We'll take your momma's dentures if they got gold in them 我们要你妈妈的假牙,如果他们在其中得到了金

So whose gonna be the new king of the fakers 所以他们会是伪装者的新国王

Whose gonna take the place of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker? 谁还送吉姆和陈怡蓉王菲巴克的地方吗?

See my momma, she didn't raise no fool 见我的妈妈,她没有提出任何傻瓜

Cause you can't put a price on a miracle 因为你不能把价格上的奇迹

Amen 阿门

歌词 Send Me Your Money 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/send-me-your-money/

歌词 Send Me Your Money 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Muir


Sony/ATV Songs LLC, You'Ll Be Sorry Music