歌词 "Seeing Daylight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Seeing Daylight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

two cans clear chicken broth 两罐明确鸡汤

two white onions 两个白色的洋葱

one bulb garlic 一个灯泡大蒜


boil, boil. 疔,疖。

boil, boil. 疔,疖。


and the screams of delight from the pool outside 和喜悦从池外的惨叫声

the splashing sounds 飞溅的声音

the coffee heating up on the stove 咖啡放在炉子上加热

the sky outside. the color of pure fresh milk. 外面的天空。纯鲜牛奶的颜色。

boil, boil. 疔,疖。

boil, boil. 疔,疖。


and the phone ringing, and me picking it up 而电话铃声,还有我拿起它

and watching myself do so 而看着自己这样做

in the quiet room 在安静的房间


in the june evening and your voice on the other end 在6月晚上,你的声音在另一端

and the impossibility of your voice on the other end 和语音的另一端是不可能的

and the impossible echo. inside. 和不可能的回声。内。


boil, boil. 疔,疖。

boil, boil. 疔,疖。

歌词 Seeing Daylight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/seeing-daylight/