歌词 "Second Hand News" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Second Hand News



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I know there's nothing to say 我知道有什么可说的

Someone has taken my place 有人把我的地方

When times go bad 当时间走坏

When times go rough 当时间进入粗糙

Won't you lay me down in tall grass 你不躺下在高高的草丛

And let me do my stuff 让我做我的东西

I know I got nothin' on you 我知道,我什么都没了你

I know there's nothing to do 我知道有什么可以做

When times go bad 当时间走坏

And you can't get enough 而且你不能得到足够的

Won't you lay me down in the tall grass 你不躺下,在草丛

And let me do my stuff 让我做我的东西

One thing I think you should know 有一件事我想你应该知道

I ain't gonna miss you when you go 我不会想念你,当你去

Been down so long 一直下来这么久

I've been tossed around enough 我已经扔周围留有足够的

Couldn't you just 你不能只是

Let me go down and do my stuff 让我下去,做我的东西

I know you're hopin' to find 我知道你在河滨找

Someone who's gonna give you piece of mind 有人谁是要给你的一片心意

When times go bad 当时间走坏

when times go rough 当时间去粗糙

Won't you lay me down in tall grass 你不躺下在高高的草丛

And let me do my stuff 让我做我的东西

I'm just second hand news 我只是秒针新闻

I'm just second hand news 我只是秒针新闻

歌词 Second Hand News 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/second-hand-news/

歌词 Second Hand News 的作者与版权信息:


Lindsey Buckingham


Now Sounds Music