歌词 "Scream" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Push me to the left, hold me to the right 把我推到左边,抱着我的权利

I never know where to go 我从来不知道哪里去了

Burning that trail to the promised land 燃烧的痕迹应许之地

You're moving on out of control 你移动的失控

Well I don't want to be some puppet on a string 好吧,我不希望在一个字符串的一些傀儡

And I don't want to learn of things you can't explain 我不想学的东西,你无法解释

And I don't want to have your views on everything 我不想要你的一切意见

I just want to scream 我只是想尖叫


Scream about hurting 尖叫约伤害

Scream about mercy 关于尖叫求饶

Scream about something 尖叫的东西

Scream about nothing 尖叫无事


Drop me in the hills, leave me in the plains 在山上给我,让我在平原

Give me some room to breathe 给我一些喘息的机会

The words you spill, the moves you make 你洒的话,你做的动作

I find them all hard to believe 我觉得他们都很难相信

Well I don't want to be statistic industry 好吧,我不希望成为行业统计

And I don't want to give when all you share is greed 我不希望给当你分享的是贪婪

And I don't want to have one more enemy 我不想多一个敌人

I just want to scream 我只是想尖叫


There you go with all your might 你去尽你的全力

Giving promises by decree 给予承诺法令

Well God is great and God is good 好神是伟大的,上帝是好的

But God you'll never be 但上帝你永远都不会

Well I don't want to be in your hospitality 好吧,我不希望在你的款待

And I don't want to live in false reality 我不希望生活在虚假的现实

See I'm the one obsessed with truth and honesty 见我是一个执着于真理和诚实

I just want to scream 我只是想尖叫

歌词 Scream 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/scream-27/

歌词 Scream 的作者与版权信息:


Taura Stinson


Notting Hill Music Uk Ltd.